TO DWELL IN THE PALACE is the first book to explore the issue of living in the Land of Israel from a current Torah perspective. Included are articles by a variety of authors analyzing Torah sources on Eretz Yisroel, first-person accounts by North American olim which entertain and inform, and a comprehensive and thought-provoking essay by Rabbi Zev Leff.
Much of this remarkable work has been proven prophetic by the passage of time. It is truly a priceless treasure.The saintly author, R. Yisachar Shlomo Teichtal, originally shared the prevalent, Orthodox view which discouraged the active return to Zion. The Holocaust, however, profoundly changed his perspective. The annihilation of unprecedented numbers of his fellow Jews forced him to seek explanations.
Rise from the Dust is a must-own for anyone interested in the issues surrounding the commandment of Aliyah. First comes a section on philosophy and then a section of the practical application of that philosophy.
It puts forth a clear argument in favor of the mitzvah of Aliyah as a positive, obligatory commandment for our generation.
This book is not intended to berate or preach. Its goal is far more simple: to bring a small sampling, a drop in the ocean (as the title states), of the various statements made by the Sages throughout the millennia underlining the importance of the Land of Israel and its centrality in Jewish destiny and eschatology.
This may sound like an exercise in reminding people of the obvious, but this volume is full of surprising statements from unexpected quarters. We might think that we grasp the importance of Eretz Yisrael in Jewish thought and belief, but the more one reads and studies the sources contained in this book, the clearer it becomes that we do not truly fathom just how vital it is (or should be) to anyone who identifies as a religious Jew
Is the Land of Israel really one of the cornerstones of Judaism? If so, why do so many religious Jews still live elsewhere, even though the gates of our Land are opened wide?
Eretz Yisrael in the Parashah reveals what the Torah, as well as the greatest of our Sages, have to say on the matter. It will give you a newfound love and appreciation for the Land that God chose for His beloved nation.
If the Land of Israel plays such an important role in Judaism, why do so many Jews still choose to live in the Diaspora?
To answer this question, and help the reader find his own answers, the author analyzes every reference to Eretz Yisrael in the 54 Torah portions read on Shabbat and the Jewish Holidays. He shows us that living in the Holy Land is more than a dry, halachic question. It is a fulfillment of the deep yearnings of millennia of Jews – to come to the Land to perform all of God’s commandments, especially those that depend on the Land.
Those privileged to live in or visit Eretz Yisroel and Yerushalayim, the dwelling place of the Shechinah, have the fortunate opportunity to fulfill many of the obligations unique to our Land.
Covering a broad range of topics, this book brings the distinctive halachos and diverse minhagim of Eretz Yisroel to the awareness of the English reader. With extensive footnotes culled from hundreds of sources- including many rulings from contemporary poskim, as well as appendices that contain tefillos, berachos, and maps, for practical guidance..
Kedushas Eretz Yisroel and its borders ― Yishuv Eretz Yisroel ― Tearing keriah ― Tefillos ― Shabbos and Yom Tov ― Weddings and funerals ― Mekomos ha’kedoshim and kivrei tzaddikim ― Terumos, maasros, shemittah – and much more
Becoming Israeli" captures the unique and inspiring story of the modern day return of the Jewish people to Israel. It shares the inspiring, emotional, funny as well as challenging aspects of making aliyah and acclimating to life in the Jewish state. It is a record and a testament to what drives people to make aliyah and illustrates vividly why, despite any challenges along the way, they would never want to live anywhere else. You will literally laugh out loud as well as wipe away tears as you journey through the story of aliyah which is, essentially, the story of the Jewish people coming home
A beautifully written sefer about the Torah and Halachic aspects of Yishuv Eretz Yisrael.
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